6 Warning Signs You Need A Mental Break Due To Emotionally Exhausted

6 Warning Signs You Need A Mental Break Due To Emotionally Exhausted

6 Warning Signs You Need A Mental Break Due To Emotionally Exhausted

1. You are losing your patience

It's normal to be a little impatient from time to time, but if you find your patience is wearing thin and you are being short with your family or colleagues, than might be mentally exhausted.

2. Sleep problems

You are suffering from insomnia. 

It takes you hors to fall asleep or you wake up frequently in the night.

3. You are irritable

You are easily irritated. 

If you are annoyed by the little things, that don't usually bother you, that's not a good sign.

4.  Anxiety and depression

You are having an anxiety or panic attack. 

This is a warning that you are mental health needs attention ASAP.

5. Feeling unmotivated

You are unmotivated.

Have you lost your drive to do the things you normally do?

Feeling unmotivated is a sign are overwhelmed with life!

Don't give up on yourself  and your goals. It's time to recharge, so you can re-focus.

>>>> I have this weird feeling unmotivated recently and still coping with these matters. I just hate to do the things that I like and enjoy doing. Am I in a state of emotionally exhausted? .... Do I need a mental break?

6. Feeling detached

You feel detached.

If you feel like you are losing your grip on reality, that might be a sign you are mentally and emotionally drained.

Ask yourself if you have any signs of these 6 things. Or feel free to read my previous entry  8 Signs of Mentally And Emotionally Exhausted . 

Please take care of your mental health. If you feel you need help, seek help from people around that close to you and you trust well. Or find help through the society around you or seek help from the experts (doctors, psychiatrists etc). 

There are many things that can make you feel less anxious, such as award winning HHC products, yoga and many other activities.

Stay healthy and love yourself.


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