List of Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss


List of Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

List of Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

  • List #1 - Zero Calorie Foods

Tomatoes - 17 Calories

Cucumbers - 16 Calories

Celery - 16 Calories

Water Melon - 30 Calories

Apples - 52 Calories

Zucchini - 17 Calories

Cauliflower - 25 Calories

Lemons - 29 Calories

Broccoli - 34 Calories

Carrots - 41 Calories

Grapefruit - 42 Calories

Oranges - 47 Calories

Kale - 49 Calories

Mushrooms - 38 Calories

Brussels Sprouts - 43 Calories

Ok , have you all tried eating cucumbers mixed with red apples? Let me know if you taste it yummy / tasty?

This is how I eat my cucumbers nowadays. Oh sometimes I mixed with grated carrots too!

Stay healthy everyone.


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