The Best Parenting Apps , theAsianparent Apps

The best parenting apps for babies, newborn, and toddler ; The Asianparent Apps in helping Asian parents raise happy, healthy, and confident kids !
The Asianparent, Southeast Asia largest parenting portal with monthly network reach 25 millions user has officially launch its featured apps known as The Asianparent Apps on 25th Sept, 2019.

The Best Parenting Apps , The Asianparents Apps

The Asianparent focused on empowering Asian parents and providing parents with tools to support their parenting journey. 

Through the app, The Asianparent strives to bring a sense of community and a safe space for parents who are increasingly embracing a digital lifestyle.

The Best Parenting Apps , The Asianparents Apps

The Asianparent app designed for the need of Asian parent, feature tools such as pregnancy and baby tracker that monitor day-to-day  development while providing helpful info such as symptoms to expect and precautions expecting mothers need to take.

the best paThe Best Parenting Apps , The Asianparents Appsrenting apps for babies, newborn and toddler ; The Asianparent Apps

Parents can continue to track child mildstone after birth up to 6 years old. The app also provides navigation for parents what food are safe to have during pregnancy and offers advice on the best nourishment for babies.

Nowadays in digital-age, moms are relying on for parenting help and most of them do communicate with other moms online on a regular basis (just like me), and this is where the supportive community forums in theAsianparent app is very useful and important. 

The supportive community forums in the app is very active, we help each other by providing info when someone asked question, share parenting experiences, give parents-to-parents support, etc ...

what's inside the Asianparent app :-


📌Pregnancy Tracker
📌Baby Tracker
📌Food and Nutrition
📌Checklist for milestones of babies
📌List of Medicines

Pregnant mommies can always use pregnant trackers to know the growth development of their babies, and once delivered, mommies can use the baby tracker, it helps to understand the phase of growth for the children such as the normal size and weight, physical development, cognitive development, socio-emotional development , speech language development  and sharing questions and answers with other parents as well.

The Best Parenting Apps , The Asianparents Apps

for food and nutrition, I like this included in the app hence it provides information amd knowledge about what food is good and suitable for my baby ... preggy mommies also can check what's food is good during pregnancy.

food and nutrition information for baby

another tool that I always use in the Asianparent app is the checklist milestones of growth for babies for parents to understand and have information what's the achievement of the baby at this and that age.

the best parenting apps for babies, newborn and toddler ; The Asianparent Apps

and parents also can check the list of the medicines using the asianparent app, parents can check if the medicine that taken is it safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

list of medicine in asianparent app
list of medicine in asianparent app

and if you need some music to soothe your baby or yourself, try the media ... you can choose video or audio , it has variety of collection, the choice is yours ❤

music for mommy and baby
music for mommy and baby


📌Ask Other Parents

the Asianparent app provides a so called parenting community where you can share yout questions, thoughts, ideas, information, and answers with the other parents. For me 'ask the parents' is one of my favorite section, it is like a support / back bone to me.

baby related article in the asianparent app
baby related article in the asianparent app

you can always share your photos, answer polls , and you'll receive points as well 👍 and you can bookmarks articles that you like or share the articles with others thru your media social account.


📌VIP Member

users using theAsianparent app can always join amazing contest, but please ensure you read all the details and rules.

and users who log in the app daily, will get extra points such as below,

theAsianparent app daily login reward
theAsianparent app daily login reward

user also can get points thru sharing invitation code to friend with successful registration will get 10 points, answer a question, ask a question and upload a photo will get 1 point for each session, and 2 points for be the first to answer and take a poll. I love taking poll since it is an objective questions and very easy to answer, 

the Asianparent points reward
the Asianparent points reward

users can always check the leaderboard to see your rank and how many points users have collected and all these points users can convert / redeem rewards.

the Asianparent leaderboard rank
the Asianparent leaderboard rank
and if user fullfill the criteria to become the VIP Member, more excitement awaits.

Criteria for VIP Member

📍You need to be a parent or be pregnant
📍You need to have at least 1000 followers in FB/IG and having a blog is a plus
📍Willing to post sponsored post on you social media platforms

vip member the asianparent app
vip member the asianparent app

how do you find the asianparent app ? do you like the app? would you like to install the app?

here is a very simple video on how to download and install the asianparent app ...

or click below to DOWNLOAD , no worry it is FREE to download

the asianparent app

For more information, check out the website at

or follow theAsianparent at Facebook

and Instagram

so parents,. looking for the best parenting app? Try the asianparent app today! The best parenting apps for babies, newborn, and toddler ; The Asianparent Apps in helping Asian parents raise happy, healthy, and confident kids !

thanks for reading, xoxo.


إرسال تعليق

5 تعليقات

  1. Apps ni betul2 bagus sebab sambil ia memberi info bermanfaat, kite pon dapat redeem hadiah. Ibu mana yg tak suka?

    1. Menarik guna apps ni, mmg byk membantu saya dlm hal2 parenting.

  2. Apps ni betul2 bagus sebab sambil ia memberi info bermanfaat, kite pon dapat redeem hadiah. Ibu mana yg tak suka?

  3. Dah guna juga.. Sesekali guna utk berkomunikasi dan kongsi ilmu dgn ibu baru...

    1. Suka guna ni coz ramai moms yang support each other..


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