Bukan sekadar 10 tahun persahabatan

hi there,

so last Sunday,  I managed to meet my good old friends..  Huh, after so many years, only now we could meet, everyone is busy with the life schedule...

Me,  Leona sitting next to me and Patricia sitting in front of me.

Eh,  how come baru sekarang dapat jumpa?

Paling last jumpa Pat last 5 years,  tahun terakhir sebelum contract kerja kami tamat, and Leona pula last 3 years lepas delivered lil' Iman,  she came visiting me...

lepas lepak2 about 30 minutes,  baru si Linda datang...

si Linda, we said let's meet di Upperstar Lintas, boleh pula dia silap pigi Upperstar Damai...  Aduhai,  tu sebab dia lambat datang... Terpaksa drive pigi Lintas..

Si Linda ni pun,  rasanya paling last jumpa was 3 years ago,  sempat jumpa dia after balik from my honeymoon..

Long time no see...

Ceritanya cenggini how me managed to meet...

Last few weeks,  mrs pip install whatsapp selepas bertahun berfikir perlu install ka tidak,  hahaha,  see when comes about technology,  I guess I am among the last person yang akan follow,  padahal orang lain berlumba lumba updating their life follow all kind of these technologies kan...

so,  lepas ada whatsapp,  updating phone book,  barulah terfikfir mau say hi to kawan kawan lama,  leona yang first...  Then bawa dia yamcha...  Then only she add me to our ex office group..

hohoho,  rupa rupa nya,  mrs pip ja lah yg terlost contact,  kawan kawan lama ni update cerita dorg dlm group,  so they always stay in touch.. Lepas tu terus set date time and location untuk jumpa...

Leona Pat and Linda yang ada masa free dapat yamcha...  ok lah,  dapat juga jumpa kan...  I knew Pat for 10 years,  since kerja with SIHAT,  tapi Leona and Linda tu we are friends for about 20 years now,  since our matrix years... Oh what a long time friends of mine... And somehow we ended up working under the same company previously.

Yang ni one of our friend shared di group... Ni tahun 2011,  our friend siap bagi the exact date of the pic taken,  7.3.11...

Let's see siapa dalam pic ni...

From left,  rose,  me,  suzannie, alex( he is the one yg share gambar ni),  dean, daniel, marco and leona...  Upperstar Damai.

Lama juga kami lepak di Upperstar hari tu,  banyak sangat cerita... Masing masing updating personal life... Haha,  lepas ni don't wait until 3 or 5 years untuk yamcha ok...

Though punya lama ndak jumpa,  no updates but once terjumpa mrs pip rasa these girls still mcm dulu... The friendship relationship still strong...  Banyak cerita baru di kongsi tapi still we talked about some of our old memories working together...

Missed you girls already.

Love you girls...


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