10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016 || ok .... cepatnya masa berlalu ... hari ni dah 20 Mac 2016 , dan tahukah anda, setiap tahun pada 20 Mac, sambutan "International Day of Happiness" di sambut di seluruh dunia .... ok, yang ni mrs pip tak tahu :( , dan baru jer tahu semalam time terbaca pasal Day of Happiness, ahaks!

kalau gitu, hari ni mrs pip nak pigi berjimba jimba membahagiakan diri sendiri, muehehehe .... tapi sebelum mrs pip pigi Sunday outing bersama mr.Husband and lil' armies, mrs pip nak share share kat dunia ni, negara mana yang diiktirf sebagai negara yang penuh kebahagiaan (by UN development Sustainable Network) ! oh, gini pun ada pula , mesti orang2 kat negara ni sentiasa bahagia dan gumbira ....

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#10 - Sweden

Sweden has slipped a couple of slots, down from number 8 on last year’s rankings, but it still sneaks into the top 10. A high GDP per capita, which it shares with many of its Nordic neighbors, is not the sole reason, however. The introduction of six-hour work days, paid maternity and paternity leave, and free day care means that Swedes have perfected the work-life balance. Turns out feeling productive and rested leads to major smiles. Are you listening, New York?

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#9 -Australia

We like to think we were on to something when we called Australia our 2016 Destination of the Year. In addition to a healthy work-like balance and "no worries" stress levels, Australians also have one of the highest life expectancies in the world (83 years). It helps that a strong emphasis on physical activity is baked into the education system from a young age. Case in point: This decidedly non-athletic writer spent two very sad and embarrassing childhood years on rugby and cricket pitches tripping over his own feet, while all the local Sydney boys ecstatic on exercise-bred endorphins ran circles around him.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#8 - New Zealand

Sure to fuel an already burning rivalry, New Zealand just edges out its neighbor Australia. Travelerreaders say, year after year, that Kiwis are a warm, welcoming bunch, but according to the numbers, they are just as friendly to each other, too. Its position comes in large part from “social support”—defined in the report as “having someone to count on during times of trouble”—which in turn leads to a happier populace. We would guess the country’s vast natural wealth—its beachesvineyards, and mountains—plays a role, too.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#7 - Netherlands

Besides earning the number 7 spot for happiness, the country also ranked the highest of the top 10 in "standard deviation of happiness." Translation: There is the least difference in satisfaction between the happiest and least happy people in the Netherlands, so while they may not be the giddiest country in the world overall, on average everyone’s pretty content. Vincent Van Gogh was the exception, not the rule.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#6 - Canada

Here's yet another reason for all those Americans with one eye on the election, and another on the northern border, to start packing. The only country from the Americas to have made it into the top 10, Canada’s number 6 place is proof that money isn’t everything, as it beats out its neighbor, despite having a GDP per capita $10,000 lower.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#5 - Finland

Finland consistently ranks among the top education systems in the world, occasionally only beaten out by South Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Much of that educational success comes from a widespread reverence for teachers, who are required to have a master’s degree (state-funded) and a pedagogical system that focuses less on quantitative testing and more on experiential learning and equal opportunity. Out of school and having trouble looking for a job? No worries, the government will fund you until you're back on your feet.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#4 - Norway

Of the countries on this list, Norway has the highest GDP per capita. So, we’ll concede that maybe money does matter a bit. But like the UN showed in its recent Human Development Report, giving Norway the top spot, there is more to the country that makes it so livable, and its people so happy. The mix of a well-integrated government welfare system and a thriving economy built on responsible management of its natural resources, means that very few are left behind, and the feelings of social support, trust in government, and economic well-being that come from that all contribute to overall happiness.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#3 - Iceland

The World Happiness Report spends an inordinate amount of time writing specifically about Iceland—probably because many readers wouldn’t expect to see it as the third happiest country in the world, especially after the post-2007 financial collapse. But the report highlights the resilience with which Iceland met the crisis, and attributes that to a high level of social support: Most Icelanders reported having a support system of friends and family to rely on when the economy tanked, and that, the index says, has contributed to much of the country’s state of happiness. Well, that and the fact that the country looks like another planet.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#2 - Switzerland

From how many vacation days workers should have to how many immigrants should be allowed in to the country, Switzerland is a country where everything is voted on, and referendums down to the local level happen many times a year. This system of direct democracy means that Swiss citizens feel an unparalleled sense of participation in their country’s evolution, from landmark decisions on human rights to whether a new traffic light should be installed in their neighborhood. The Swiss are known to be insular, and it can be off-putting to first time visitors, but there is a strong social fabric held together by a belief that every voice matters, which can go a long way toward feeling content. This political outlook also may help explain why two of its major cities, Zurich and Geneva, made the recent rankings of cities with the best quality of life.

10 Happiest Countries in The World 2016

#1 - Denmark

Denmark is the happiest country in the world, because it rates highly in all the metrics discussed throughout these rankings—life expectancy, income, education—but is also a country hugely committed to renewable energy production (39.1 percent of its energy was wind-generated in 2014). Home to the world’s most bike-friendly city and a coastline that you could spend a lifetime exploring, the country’s happiness certainly comes in part from a respect for the planet it's built on. But a recent study from the Copenhagen-based Happiness Research Institute (whose existence is probably reason enough for the top spot) narrows down Denmark’s happiness to a number of different categories, including trust, economic security, freedom, civil society and participation, and work-life balance. Our main takeaway from the report was that if you want to be happy, the first step is to stop stressing about how happy you are and go for a bike ride.


Jadi,, ada tak yang berangan nak tinggal kat salah satu negara yang diiktiraf paling happy kat dunia ni?
kalau boleh, semua tempat mrs pip nak tinggal ... 

semua pun macam best, tapi Sweden tu errrrrr, korang jangan sesuka hati pukul anak kat Sweden, nnt tak pasal2 anak2 korang diambil oleh kerajaan Sweden dan diberikan kepada orang lain ...

Sweden ni satu satunya negara yang tak benarkan ibubapa memukul anak anak! ... so , yang ni mrs pip tak nak la ... nnt anak2 tak solat, kita pukul then jiran2 tahu terus repport polis ... hah! siapa yang susah .... hukum Allah dah terang2 cakap boleh pukul anak kan kalau tak solat, tapi NO CHILD BEATING di Sweden ....

tapi , mana2 negara pun, mrs pip percaya ada pros and cons ... alah, bukan semua pun perfect kan ... tak pe lah, Malaysia Tanah Airku juga lah yang mrs pip suka .... T_T ....

p/s: New Zealand and Switzerland, you are in my dream wishlist :)

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