Thank you note for our 1000th days living together

Thank you note for our 1000th days living together

hi there,

ok, hari ni kita feeling feeling jiwang kapok pula ... eiii korang ni, time bercinta jer ke nak jiwang kapok, time dah kawin pun lagi WAJIB berjiwang kapok yer kengkawan,  muehehe ... jiwang karat I tak nak ....

Dear mr.Husband,

Thank you note for our 1000th days living together

today (20.3.15) marked our 1000th days anniversary living together as husband-and-wife

Thank you note for our 1000th days living together

living together for 1000 days,  I wanna to tell you my husband how much I enjoy myself living together with you, and hey ... we have two handsome little kiddos right now ... and hoping to have more in future ....

Thank you note for our 1000th days living together

thank you for loving me,
thank you for understanding me,
thank you for always helping me,
thank you for forgive me when I am doing wrong,
thank you for listening to my sometimes-stupid ideas and stories,
thank you for seeing me as me myself not as someone else,
thank you for always compromise with my feelings,
there are a lots of thanks that will never end for me to tell

but after all,
thank you for everything that make me feel so special everyday and more in love with you every seconds .... you are a great husband, a great partner, a great daddy to our kids, and a great friend to me ...

let's live together for another 1000 years.

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